Peter Paul Rubens 115.jpg
 Peter Paul RUBENS , The Judgement of Paris, 1638-1639


                   New York Times.- 05/1 /2016.- Pretty little but meaningful nuance separates "keep calm" from  "don´t panic".- The ultimate literary scandal that nowadays set the web in fire all around the world and maybe across the universe is named ethicayphilosophiablogspot whose author introduce himself in a corner flap as simply Javier Lumbreras, Philosophy Teacher, Department Chief at-work in his High School and now reo ante portam , or speaking  more common language:


                   Lumbreras is actually under suspect suffering a process of deep an wide Inspection of his work, performance, proficiency and endeavour as Educational Public Servant  including -that´s amazing- -  a close and very attentive glance to his poetical production as well as his philosophical articles. According to the expression which is repeatedly used everywhere in the long Record or “X- Files” elaborated by the High School Director when he took his Personal Computer in order to inform his superiors: "Unmoral", "unappropiated" and even "obscene" ("indecorosos") contents filled up like shit the before mentioned blog (ethicaphilosophiablogspot). Four-letter-words, tough language and dirty terms like "pennis", "centimeters", "ejaculations" and , oh Mother Mary, devilish continuous hurting allusions to Madame Christine Lagarde (Former President of IMF, International Monetary Fund)   who -there would be ever supposed and never verified- lose his panties for  Lumbreras; and "shame on his wrecked schemes".-

                   The problem, the trouble, the fearing increasing half-sexual-ethical- educational scandal surpassed red lines when Luis Javier -the sage Education Inspector, wiser than Sherlock Holmes and vulpine foxy clever, - found out in his enquiry that the so told blog ethicayphilosophia -written in its majority in mainstream spaniard spanish and 80  % grammatical averaged-   kept links with another one titled EL DUEÑO DE TODOS LOS PODERES. EL DUEÑO DE TODOS LOS PLACERES ("The All-Pleasures Boss. The All-Powered Boss" , let us aproximately translate) from the same author, same profile with- plenty of poems employing hardly unbearable  inadvisable language (specially when we think teenagers  could for pages and pages roam  and roam across those wicked lines fed up with obscenity and porn-stars parfum).

                   - A sort of Witch-Hunt seems to have been untied in Spain since Professor Lumbreras in this pretty moment is being investigated and facing the risks of an Official Record from Education Inspectors viewing whether he has  accomplished the goals and contents of the Official Program or whether he has not  and if he did not -although the learning course has not finished yet- apply to him the Law and predated him retiring immediately a part of his salary or, -why not?-, the whole monthly or , -why not ?- , annual payment which Regional Educational Royal-City  New-Castle Delegation controls by itself. " And Money doesn ´t talk; it swears" (we know it thanks to Bob Dylan, spirit of America).  
Resultado de imagen de beyoncé

                   First of all   should I  say that such an Official Record or “X- Files” (Sanctions Proceedings; no  simply Administrative Files) normally brings out (and brings over and breaking out Breaking Bad) as a result some "detraction of salary" or even -if we are speaking about Major Offences- "disqualification" what just means - and me cago in my trousers, have they you pillado con el carrito de los helados- you are thrown away for ever from the ranks of Public Service, fired, fly out, discharged, deceased, stuck on in desolation row; what just plainly and painfully means that you will never more earn a fucking dime nor a fucking penny for nevermore from Ministry of Education  par Délégation  and you will be for ever and ever an always degraded and humiliated Last Man, and so on . - (That´s why Public Servants often face the nightmare or catastrophical anticipatory fancy that their Superiors open them out un Jodido Expediente Disciplinario - Sanctionary Proceedings or Impeachment Process- y que Dios te ampare, or  fuck you,  and the rest  and the rest. - "Será porque aquí no hablamos inglés,  John Louis Guerra sang)-.


                   Luis Javier, the treacherous but nevertheless nice Inspector, -wittier than a fox-  gently make clear and emphasized the point when he confessed to Lumbreras that he could perfectly well-understand how he felt (how Mr. Lumbreras felt ) because he himself, Mr. Javier the Inspector, once in the past was wrong-lying blamed by an enemy! ; confession or impression, or anecdote, that Javier Lumbreras took on his own  as a subtle hint of support  (subtly hidden under the roles by the face that  the formal situation requires: first meeting in the shadows,  and the sound of silence  of the Department between Mr. Luis Javier the Inspector who opened up (and opened out and could  even close it down) the “X- Files” - Prosecution Record containing the Charges- against Lumbreras;  and Lumbreras himself alive, &  in person,  allí mismo, frente a frente, one in front of the other, Gegen- einander) . - No more but no less than two men: - Only two men.  beside the formal haze masquerade.


              Sandro BOTTICCELLI, The Spring (1480-1401).

              Inspector Luis-Javier showed during this meeting unusual and profound  interest in Lumbreras´ blogs at web (completely free original material on the tracks of Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia with neither passwords nor copyrights required) .-  But what shocked Lumbreras the most, was that Luis Javier the patient Inspector suddenly took away a yellow portfolio containing, my God,  a printed copy from DELFINES.DELFINES. A FAVOR DEL LECTOR (Dolphins. Dolphins. Together with You)  one of the two poetry books on- line published in the blog EL DUEÑO..., before mentioned.

                   Till then, Lumbreras had never imagined a paper copy of his virtual  etherical production in hands of the Surveyor. It was astounding:  "You will drive me crazy!", he shouted histerically and looking like the depravate he said he is not. "You are giving me the creeps! You´re touching me the..."" - But, he shut-off, fall down suddenly in silence , fearing the consequences of his misbehaviour, and not under-estimating how hysterical reactions like this or cholerical episodes had hurt himself and his neighbors in the past, he recalled his reason and begged pardon: "I` m sorry, Sir. Let I take back my quietness for a while, take I a bit of breath and be I cool again as usual."

         "   -  Well, now I´m gonna explain to you:  This is not really my Philosophy´s students-oriented blog ethicayphilosophia,  but another one I have and in where I used to write and edite what spring me off freely from my guts, do you know?", Lumbreras bragged like the anti-social Spanish-Psycho he boasts he is not. "I have readers anywhere, beyond Spanish and European language areas (i.e. Former Fleepping Popular Republic of China)", he kept on arrogant and crazy like a fool in his delirium.

                  -But Luis-Javier, the wise Inspector -sager than a fox- , kept really calm, in nerves of steel , cold-blood in front of Lumbreras´s show-half-histerycal attack and listened to him and even acomplished naturally the unplanned task of holding  him on a little bit after his half-self-restrained emotional hot-heartred explosion.

                  Would it take place the same fact - a writer blamed and investigated by Inspectors because of his writtings- in internet-less- (forbidden)- China, Arabia Felix, Flying Extreme Theochratic Emirates, Far Wild Bolivarian West, Obiang Ngma Dictatorship, Idi Amín Dadá fridge with cannibalistic  meal, Hanging Türkey, Psichopathic Kim II North Korea, DAESH  or even worse Hooligan-States, the event had not overcome  the borders of a little gentle rural catholic village as Day-Miel (Knights´ Land, beautiful Stattford  Upon The Tables).  -But it took place in Spain, supposed democratic member of supposed Phantasmatical European Divided  Union.

                   - From the Age of Reason and coeurs sensibles when Charles Baudelaire was sued and blamed for "unmoral" just because of his Flowers of Evil ; from the Century of Enlightenment,  le Siècle des Lumières who imprisoned in La-Bastille monsieur le Marquis de Sade; from Socrate´s Process till  D. H.   Durrell´s Mrs. Chatterley´s Lover and Salman Rushdie fatwa, NOTHING SEEMS TO HAVE CHANGED. - Brutal strength, doom and inertia in one hand, against sweetness, brightness and voluntas, in the other. -Perpetual battle with dramatical plot and tragic end.  And eternal.

                   That´s why Luis-Javier the keen and kind Area Education Inspector at-charge pronounced  with green-mellow-tricky qualaluded natural perfectly fluent British accent,  this wise but never topical commonplace advice: "Keep calm"... -As a matter of fact both altogether in a distant inner fiber they knew they could from now on try to let stand their heads together, "let come all troubles to an end" (as Dylan sings).-  "Keep calm".- Nevertheless maybe de maybe what Luis Javier really meant was: "Don´t panic".



One or maybe de maybe the unique published  image of the teacher, paperback fucker-writer, soap-opera future beauty-top- star, pin-up girl Berlinian underground underwall celebrity, eternal Arab with his childhood lost in the sands of Libya, bombastic like only  French post-Lacanian  intelectual can  be, Argentinian eventual folk vidala singer, poliglot, ocasional therapist, half-day week-end intimate friend,  tango-performer, high-level tango-dancer, experienced swimmer all-the-year practising, chess-player, guitar performer,  not very-far off from Divine Perfection but on the tracks, Lover, one of this days he will be released... eventual cartoonist, eventual educator, eventual Nothing,   and Spanish flippante blogger under suspect: Mr. Javier Lumbreras.


Lumbreras lift arms and holds legal and moral massive attack  guns against public visual possesions-difusion of his image. - That´s why you will never see or enjoy his fascinating face nor his portrait unless you miraculously meet him by chance by the way, what is pretty improbable. - Superstitious believer in the magical power of eikona,  Lumbreras like gypsies and Indian ancient wisents don´t like to deliver photos but for this time he has made an exception, Lady Midnight. He doesn´t want by the moment to take a walk on the highway to heaven.  If you are feeding vane illusions of getting some kind of images from here or there about Mr. Lumbreras face, I must firmly persuade you not to cross his way and forget for evermore his face. Maybe de maybe he is not so interesant, he is maybe de maybe a simple human Spaniard senior attractive super-mascle being. -    So you can profit forever and ever from this ikono we´ll give you at free-cost and with sacred contents available for rituals: Yogananda´s portrait lying on the desk over Lumbrera´s left shoulder & Indian Stamp of Radha-Krishna besides. In between,  the tobacco Pueblo like an obstacle between realization and God. Good luck. - As we can see by the face and by the image -taken: october 2013- Mr.  Lumbreras is a well-made tough-attractive- brown-swirling-haired senior in his floruit (mature-middle aged). - Madame Christine Lagarde, Former  President of International Monetary Fund and Former President of the Club de ex- Fans gossiped: "He smells as... mascchio-man, a mixture of sand, sandal and tobacco   I cannot describe you it at all without losing control and dismayed my senses". La Lagarde has not hidden in any international summit,  Press Row or occasion his Amour Fou towards el Lumbreras who well-educated and gentle alike a real Britannia gentleman once upon a time refuses obstinately a meeting or even a personal  letter concerning the madly  fool- in- love insane President of Monetary International System.


  1. Estaba buscando webs sobre ética y me he encontrado sobre la suya de filosofía para alumnos de bachillerato. Enhorabuena. Tengo 51 años y creo que me hubiese gustado mucho más la filosofía si hubiera tenido un profesor así hace unos cuantos. Ahora trabajo en el ámbito de la atención a personas mayores y hace poco impartí una conferencia sobre ética asistencial. Era para buscar más información que estaba navegando y me he parado para saludar. Os invito a leer el artículo que publicó la revista autonomía personal sobre la jornada de Ética Asistencial del IMSERSO, yo participé, como director de Inforesidencias hablando de algunos aspectos de ética que tienen que ver con residencias de tercera edad. Fue una muy buena experiencia.

  2. Thank you very much, Josep (we spell it Yusép, isn´ t it?) for your congratulations
    y su support. Ética desapareció de los planes de estudio por la ley actual de educación; es curioso que desde el ámbito de la tercera edad -que no debe ser fácil- llegue su comentario.
    Eso de la ética para las personas mayores... ¿Qué les dijo? ¿Cómo trabaja Vd. con ellos? -Leeré su artículo.
    -Benjamín Herreros y Javier Sádaba tienen textos y seguramente videos sobre Bioética. No sé si los has buscado en la red.- Ethicayphilosophia es para gente de Instituto, para adolescentes. Por eso, gracias.- Un saludo, Josep de Martí.


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